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QTIndu project is developing courses directly linked to the industry needs and will be tailored to different business sectors, such as telecommunication, software, logistics, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, finance, and consulting, where QT is relevant. Each of these business sectors has its specific QT applications and specific needs for the qualificaion of their workforce.

Modules and courses of various competency levels, industries, target audiences and durations will be stored on a novel block-chain powered ecosystem.


Fully documented 1-5 hour interactions:

– short soft skills symposia,
– digital educational modules (composers, quiskit…),
– remote access experiments,
– virtual training activities (games, VR…).

Module material will be made publicly available on relevant EU-platforms.


Courses at different levels are under development:

– Introductory courses for business leaders and managers.
– Introductory courses for job seekers, including career and resourcing advice.
– Introductory courses for a technical skilled workforce, such as engineers.
– Intermediate courses (including hands-on workshops, in-person training in labs, and technical seminars).


Courses will be hosted on an online commercial e-learning platform, linked to a diversity of academic platforms.

Blockchain-powered learner data ecosystem including Earn-to-Learn pilot.

QTIndu website.

General Introduction and Transversal


Introduction to the Quantum Ecosystem


This module will present an overview of the ecosystem being built around quantum computing, providing a solid foundation to understand the potential, opportunities, and strategies surrounding quantum technologies.


  • Executives & Strategists
  • Non-Technical Managers
  • Engineers & Technicians
  • Software Developers and Data Scientists
  • Researchers
  • Marketing
  • HR
  • Students
  • Quantum Enthusiasts

What you will learn:

  • Assess the investment landscape of the quantum industry, including startups, venture capital, and key players.
  • Understand the differences between classical and quantum computers abilities.
  • Identify and articulate the potential applications and opportunities for quantum computing.


Why is Quantum so special? Basic rules of quantum physics


This module is a qualitative journey through the basic rules of quantum physics, an introduction to the special and counterintuitive world of quantum. The learner will be guided through interesting phenomena, experimental setups and their (planned) application in the real world. The module targets Quantum Novices from all sectors and stakeholders!


  • Executives & Strategists
  • Non-Technical Managers
  • Engineers & Technicians
  • Software Developers and
  • Data Scientists
  • Researchers
  • Marketing
  • HR
  • Students
  • Quantum Enthusiasts

What you will learn:

If you successfully complete the module, you will:

  • Understand the difference between classical and quantum technologies!
  • Learn basic terms and principles!
  • Create, elaborate and reflect simple setups for further application!
  • Explain basic terms, technological applications and principles!


Quantum Technology Skills and Competences / Hiring and Training


This course is designed to leverage recognised community-produced tools to equip companies with invaluable resources for enhancing their recruitment, education, and training efforts in quantum technology (QT). Targeted at HR professionals, team leaders, managers, and executives, it offers a strategic approach to talent acquisition and development in the field of QT. Over 2.5 hours, the course delves into specific tasks and considerations pertinent to hiring and training managers. This course provides practical tools and strategic insights to navigate the complexities of hiring and training in the rapidly evolving field of quantum technology.


  • HR Professionals
  • Team Leaders
  • Managers
  • Executives involved in hiring and training efforts within the quantum technology domain

What you will learn:

If you successfully complete the course, you will:

  • Define job functions and identify diverse talent sources for quantum technology roles.
  • Establish effective evaluation protocols for quantum-specific positions.
  • Identify core competencies and evaluate training resources for QT.
  • Assess and develop in-house training material tailored to quantum technology.
  • Familiarise yourself with strategic resources like the Competence Framework for Quantum Technologies and research on Quantum Training Hotspots.
  • Utilise the innovative GPT-job post writing service customised for quantum-adjacent positions.


Ready for Quantum? Commercial Quantum Readiness and Strategy


The Commercial Quantum Readiness and Strategy course is tailored for professionals exploring the emerging quantum landscape in commerce. With a focus on industry insights, this course provides a comprehensive overview of the challenges and opportunities presented by quantum technology. It addresses key obstacles faced by European companies, such as talent acquisition, technical complexities, ecosystem development, and investment. This course offers practical engagement and strategic insights to help participants navigate and capitalise on the evolving quantum landscape.


  • Team Leaders
  • CEOs
  • CTOs

What you will learn:

If you successfully complete the course, you will:

  • Understand the main challenges and opportunities in the developing quantum landscape.
  • Assess your organisation’s readiness and strategic positioning for quantum technology.
  • Analyse use case applications to evaluate the applicability of quantum computing within your industry.
  • Gauge tangible benefits that quantum technology can bring to enhance competitiveness, innovation, and growth.
  • Identify emerging opportunities and learn to capitalise on them through collaboration.


Inspiration Quantum


This online course introduces basic concepts of quantum science and technologies to prepare you for your quantum computing journey. You will build intuition, familiarity, and competence about the topic without having to dig into its mathematical technicalities, while resting assured about the scientific rigour. At the end of course, you will be able to read news critically and to distinguish, when it comes to the possibilities of quantum computers, truthful and accurate sources from misleading or hyped media sources.


  • Executives & Strategists
  • Non-Technical Managers
  • Marketing
  • HR
  • Students
  • Quantum Enthusiasts

What you will learn:

  • Understand the fundamental difference between classical and quantum computers
  • Be aware of the distinction between fault-tolerant and near term quantum devices
  • Identify possible fields of application of near term devices in the upcoming years

Quantum Computing and Simulation


Quantum Machine Learning (QML)


Quantum Machine Learning (QML) is designed to explore the intersection of quantum computing and machine learning, highlighting the unique advantages and potential applications of merging these two fields. Starting with the context and motivation, the course outlines its potential advantages and applications. Students will delve into:

  • Optimisation problems using Quantum Annealing
  • Parameterised Quantum Circuits (PQC) and Quantum Approximate Optimisation Algorithm (QAOA)
  • Advanced modeling and applications in quantum classifiers, regression, and unsupervised learning methods

Each module includes hands-on exercises, advanced algorithms, the QML ecosystem, and ongoing challenges. This course is designed to equip learners with the knowledge and skills to apply QML to solve real-world problems.


  • Software Developers and Data Scientists
  • Researchers
  • Students

What you will learn:

  • Technical Skills: Participants will gain hands-on experience with formulating Quantum Unconstrained Binary Optimisation (QUBO) and the Quantum Approximate Optimisation Algorithm (QAOA), including the use of D-Wave systems for solving optimisation problems. They will also learn to implement quantum machine learning models such as Parameterised Quantum Circuits (PQC) and Quantum Support Vector Machines, understanding the nuances of quantum algorithms and their industrial applications in machine learning tasks like classification, regression, and clustering.
  • Business Skills: The course will elucidate the potential advantages and real-world applications of quantum machine learning, preparing learners to identify and leverage quantum computing solutions for complex business challenges. Additionally, through understanding the strategic importance of quantum-enhanced algorithms and their ability to outperform classical counterparts in specific tasks, students will be equipped to make informed decisions regarding investment in quantum technologies and innovation in their respective fields.

Quantum Communication


Quantum Communication and Quantum Networks


Targeted at executives, managers, policymakers, and strategic planners in industries such as telecommunications, IT, cybersecurity, defense, finance, and healthcare, this course outlines the transformational impact of quantum communication-related technologies on these sectors. Through modules that cover everything from the basics of quantum mechanics to the strategic implementation of quantum communication solutions, the course prepares participants to make informed decisions about adopting and integrating quantum technologies into their operations, focusing on enhancing security, computational capabilities, and infrastructure readiness for a quantum future.

Interactive learning activities are included to engage learners and reinforce their understanding. Sector-specific applications are explored in depth, illustrating how quantum communication could revolutionise different fields ranging from finance to national security.


  • Executives & Strategists
  • Non-Technical Managers

What you will learn:

  • Learn about the structure and components of quantum networks, including quantum repeaters and quantum memories.
  • Explore how quantum communication technologies are applied in various industries including telecommunications, IT, cybersecurity, finance, healthcare, and defense.
  • Analyse real-world case studies and pilot projects involving quantum networks to understand their outcomes and challenges.
  • Keep abreast of emerging trends and future developments in quantum communication technologies.
  • Learn how to approach the integration and adoption of quantum communication technologies, focusing on practical and sector-specific applications.


Introduction to Quantum Communication and Quantum Network Explorer (QNE)


Quantum Network Explorer (QNE) is currently the only educational platform wholly committed to the advancement of quantum networking. In this course, you will gain proficiency in QNE ADK for quantum network application development and learn to share your creations on QNE’s Community Application Library.


  • Engineers & Technicians
  • Software Developers and Data Scientists
  • Students
  • Quantum Enthusiasts

What you will learn:

  • Understand the fundamentals of quantum networks and their future applications.
  • Utilise the diverse resources provided by the Quantum Network Explorer to gain practical insight into quantum networks through hands-on experience
  • Run your own quantum network simulations by leveraging the pre-built applications available in QNE’s Community Application Library.
  • Develop customised quantum network applications using QNE’s Application Development Kit (QNE-ADK) and contribute to the global QNE community by sharing your work
  • Use SquidASM as an advanced simulator for quantum network applications, elevating your research capabilities to the next level.

Quantum Sensing


Quantum Sensor Engineering


This is an introductory course to quantum sensing presented through the lens of quantum magnetometry. Three different technologies are discussed (diamond color centers, optical magnetometers, and superconducting devices). The course consists of theory, applications, and hands-on training.


  • Non-Technical Managers
  • Engineers & Technicians
  • Researchers
  • Students
  • Quantum Enthusiasts

What you will learn:

  • Understand the principles of quantum sensing.
  • Acquire an overview of different technologies.
  • Elucidate advantages and limitations.
  • Qualitatively explain the physical phenomena involved.
  • Become aware of use-cases and assess potential new applications.
  • Perform measurements using our user-friendly quantum education kits.


Hands-on lab on Magnetic Field Quantum Sensors based on superconductivity

What you will learn:

In this module you will learn about quantum sensors based on superconductivity. The underlying physical principles are presented on a phenomenological level while special attention is given on use cases. Lastly, a hands-on training, with the necessary safety instructions, tops the module off.
